Hello, I am known as Mrprocom on the Internet, that is the username I usually use.
I enjoy working on random and fun projects that involve coding, calculating or designing. I am very good at programming in Python and JavaScript because I work on projects related to them a lot. I also have a very basic knowledge of Batch, C++, Java, Lua, Perl, PHP and Ruby.
Other than coding, I am good at photo editing, playing the piano and designing.
Where you can find me:
I made this website for publishing some of my work, that includes projects, web applications, Powder Toy saves and scripts. These can be found in the other few tabs above if you want to check them out.
I made this website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with some help from the Bootstrap framework. This website and all of its contents and projects are copyright protected
This website is hosted on GitHub. Repository: Mrprocom.github.io
© 2017 Mrprocom All Rights Reserved
Here you will find a list of web projects made by me.
This factory automatically makes small textured blocks of TNT using NITR and CLST.
This machine shrinks down any image made of solids and does not contain DMND at all.
This game challenges you to get as many notes right as possible within a period of time.
This tank shoots a moving projectile that can explode.
This laser has a controllable beam colour and temperature and it has no WIFI.
Here you will find a list of scripts made by me.
Here you will find a list of the most recent changes to the website and all other proejcts.